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New Yorkers will recognize this as "Cafe Habana" Corn, but the popcorn-esque smell of roasted elote (Mexican corn on the cob) outside of farmer's markets, clubs at 3 a.m., or even Dodger games could very well be California's state smell (runner up is the orange groves or the bacon wrapped hot dogs). This corn is a can't miss bite for a Southern Californian.  Sweet, toasted, creamy, sour, and a teensy bit spicy all at the same time. You'll be picking kernals out of your teeth and hair  for days and your fingers will sting with chili and lime if you devour them like I do. Is the mess worth it? I'm writing a blog post, aren't I? 

I'm sorry, I shouldn't answer a question with a question. Yes, it's TOTALLY WORTH IT. If you haven't enjoyed the bliss of blackened corn with these true Mexican flavors, well friend, get grillin'.

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For 4
4 corn cobs, husked
2 tablespoons oil
1/4 cup mayonaise
1 cup queso (crumbled Mexican Cheese)
Ancho Chili Powder, to taste
1 lime, cut into wedges
Cilantro leaves, to garnish

Lightly oil the corn and grill on high heat until well marked by the grill. I love it almost burnt, but feel free to go a little lighter if you're not into that. Combine the mayo and queso together and with a spatula spread all over the corn cobs. Sprinkle the cobs with ancho chili powder and squeeze with lime (1 wedge per cob should suffice). Sprinkle with cilantro and serve warm. Dig in!

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